Finding the Perfect Match

Finding the Perfect Pattern

The First Step to Finding the Perfect Pattern: Find your breast shape - we can use that information to find a bra pattern that will suit you!* There are 12 Common Breast Shapes: Archetype - Round and full, with small point at…

Sewing with Lace

The 4 Tips you NEED to know!   1. Choose the right needle  When sewing with lace, it is important to use a thin, fine needle that won't damage the delicate fabric by creating snags. Sewing needle sizes 60/8, 65/9, 70/10 or 75/11 are…

Why should you make your own bra?

Why should you make your own bra? On average, girls start wearing bras (bralettes/sports bras included) from the age of 11 until the age of 90. That is 79 years of bra wearing. Which means, unlike most other things, bras don’t seem to be…