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Metal Boning
Who knew there were so many types of Metal Boning available? If you use boning for making bras, corsets, costumes, waist cinchers, or compression wear, you are in the right place. Our collection is among the best in the world. Our customers love our selection, you will too!
There are two main types of metal bones; Spiral Boning and flat, Spring Steel Metal Boning. Spiral Boning is made of thin aluminium wire, wound into a spiral, then squashed flat. It looks like a flattened Slinky toy! We sell Spiral Boning both by the metre and in pre-cut lengths from 4″ (10 cm) and up. Our other type of Metal Boning is flat, coated steel, often called Spring Steel. That is because of its ability to spring back. We offer flat steel boning in two widths, 1/4″ (6 mm) and 1/2″ (12.5 mm). Plus, we have many lengths, in both a lighter weight and a heavier, stronger weight of steel. We sell only powder-coated flat bones, so they will resist rust.
If using the Spiral Boning by the metre, you will need to seal the sharp, cut ends. We carry 2 products, Sprial Boning Caps and Heat Shrink.
Metal Boning
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