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Corset Busks
If you have never made a corset, the first thing to learn about are the Corset Busks. The Busk is the set of giant loops and studs in the frontof a corset or waist clincher. They easily fasten the two halves of the corset together, allowing a woman to dress herself. Corset busks were developed as a by-product of the industrial revolution. Previously, women had to be laced into their corsets.
Our busks are made of the highest quality steel, with a metal gauge forged to our exact specifications. They are strong, yet still flexible to a certain degree. Our customers tell us they are superior to those of our compeitors. Not only are they superior in strength and thickness, we keep the cost as low as possible – far less than most we have seen.
We offer 2 types of Busks, regular Steel Busks and Spoon Busks. Our regular Busks are available in 4 finishes and 19 lengths; in full and half-inch increments. Use the shorter busks for underbust corsets and the longer ones for full coverage corsets. Our Spoon Busks are available in 2 sizes, in a nickel finish.
Corset Busks
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