
Bullet Bra Challenge Entries
Our first bra-makers challenge of 2020 is to re-create the iconic Bullet bra of the 40s and 50s. With its distinctive cone-shaped cups and circular stitching, it was "the" bra for any sweater girl of the time. We challenged you to re-create…

How to make a Bullet Bra
If you are under the age of 40, you can be forgiven for not knowing what a Bullet Bra was (and is). After all, its heyday was in the late 40s and 50s. Those of us, of a certain age, however, will know exactly what we mean by a Bullet Bra.…

The Bullet Bra Challenge
Our first bra-makers challenge of 2020 is to re-create the iconic Bullet bra of the 40s and 50s. With its distinctive cone shaped cups and circular stitching, it was "the" bra for any sweater girl of the times. We challenge you to re-create…