It is hugs all around and pack it up for another year. Sadly, today is the last day of the corset class and the Saskatchewan Stitches Conference. Both are coming to an end this afternoon.

Just after lunch I said good byes to Margaret, Noreen and Becky as well as Jeanette, all of whom helped me so much in the classes. We always have so much fun when we get together at SSC! I hope we can all get together at SSC for many years to come! You’ve all helped me so much!
Students left too, if their classes were over. So I’ve said “see you next year” to many, many students. Some of those students have indicated that they are following this blog, so if that is you….I am sorry to see you all go, but hope we can stay in touch through technology! Hugs all around to you too!
The Haus of Stitches was amazing again this year. They always do an incredible job organizing classes, lodging, meals and all the minutia that goes into an event such as this.  It is an incredibly challenging job when you consider that they also have to move the store over to the College so we have supplies on hand at all times. If you were fortunate enough to be at Conference this year, I hope you will take a moment to thank Wendy, Brenda and Deb, plus their wonderful crew Pat, Peggy, Sarah, Anne Marie, Sherrie and our personal man-servant Kevin! (Kevin is here every year to carry heavy machines, park cars or lug boxes) some of our students could not manage without him!
Lastly, thank you to St. Peter’s Abbey and St. Peter’s College for opening their facility to 300 women. To Father Demetrius and all the staff at the College, we are grateful for your constant presence as well as your willingness to accommodate our often unusual requests!
Like this corset….it’s almost finished. So it is with Conference for 2014….
See you next year for the 13th annual Conference scheduled for May 28 through June 7, 2015!
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