Now available on the Silver Screen nearest you (that means your monitor!)  Your Fairy Bra Mother has “officially” launched her very own You Tube Channel! Talk about someone who has come kicking and screaming into the world of Social Media…for those of you that know me…this is a HUGE step for me.

silver screen 1

So far, I have 7 videos  – the first one I filmed in the store with my Ipad…I know, I know it is terrible! But it does show the Bias Tape Maker in action. It was my very first self-made video, so be gentle with your comments! You can tell it was a while ago because of my hair colour!

Then I went to Craftsy a couple of times and filmed some bra-making classes. This is the trailer for the second class – Sewing Bras: Designer Techniques. It is obvious, they are a whole lot better at making videos and putting them up on the Silver Screen, than I am! This is my favourite trailer – so cute! Thanks to my producer, Karen who thought this up!

So far, I have several other videos I put up on YouTube including one on Continuous Bias Strips which you might find interesting.

I won’t bore you with the names of all the others (you can see them all on YouTube, but I am so proud that I made them myself! They aren’t as good as the official Craftsy videos but nice just the same. Please have a look if you are interested!

These links below are to all our social media. If that’s your thing, I would appreciate it if you Follow, Like, Share, Re-tweet, Re-Post or all the other things you can do to spread the good news about making your own bras!

This Blog (do you need the link for this? lol)

2 replies
  1. Lingerie MoLou
    Lingerie MoLou says:

    Dear Beverly,
    I'm from the Netherlands and love your classes, your books, your facebook, your website…………and you as a person. I am a real fan.

    Kind regards,
    Monique van der Marel


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