Once again, we present our amazing and talented customers and their Hop to it Challenge Entries. I must admit,. that the end of the month was getting closer, and there were very few entries! However literally, the last day, and …poof…we had a lot of submissions. So thank you to all this month. now let’s see how you “Hopped to it!” Once again, the descriptions etc. were kindly provided by the makers.
Agnes H
Here is my entry to the April Ultimate Bra-makers Challenge Hop to It: a pair of fittness leggings. Modifying the boyshort bottom of Princess Tankini Swimsuit pattern to leggings is relatively easy, but I wanted to twist on the look, so I used purple and orange colour blocks. The inverse pair of these leggings will not be ready until deadline, I will send you photos of them later.

Anna D
Those are 2 Alison bra, one red and one black. I made it without the zip, and a narrow elastic. The cups are home-made from a Classic Bra pattern. Size is bust 30 with a 30E cup for an athletic teenager.

Anne Johnson
This month I completed two items for the challenge: an Allison sports bra and bike shorts. The Alison bra is made with Powernet lining and Supplex outer fabric. It’s so comfortable I could sleep in it. The bike shorts are made with a Maxine type fabric following the directions in Beverly’s
Craftsy class. I added a chamois that I sewed from thin flexible swim cup foam and microfleece. You can see from the photo of the chamois that I butter the foam pieces together and zigzagged over the join. To sew the leg seams, I used wooly nylon in the loopers of my serger for an extra soft finish and used a 4-thread overlock in the leg seams. I considered using a 3-thread flatlock, but liked the overlock better. To get the placement for the chamois, I tried on the shorts with the chamois inside, and pinned it in several places. Next time I make these I could add even more to the back than recommended in the class, probably an additional elastic width at CB and also add a CF seam.
Cassy Montgomery
Another month gone already! I’ve got 2 submissions for you this month. I made an underwired sports bra and it is the most comfortable and supportive sports bra I’ve had. I used my self drafted pattern and lined it in active cotton and used the wide plush elastic for the bottom band. I added the y-band back with keyhole and those straps are never slipping off my shoulders. It is a wonderful sports bra. I never thought underwires a good idea in a sports bra but I’ve changed my mind.
Desiree Gotzen
Desiree says” I sewed a blue blue blue sports bra, size L, as a gift for a sporty friend of mine. Hope it fits and she will like it.” Of course she will love it, Desiree. It’s gorgeous!
Diane Harold
New leggings to wear to martial arts classes were on my “must sew” list. Using the leggings from the Pin Up Girls Tankini pattern, I made some testers out of vintage supplex from my stash. I really like the fit of this pattern. I combined Maxine Performance in turquoise/royal with navy power net as a bit of an experiment. The power net was not at all uncomfortable when I wore the leggings to class and of course it’s super stretchy so I will definitely be experimenting more with it. I used the purple/black Maxine Performance in leggings again, this time with a 3” band instead of the elasticized waist. I also made the “Alison” sports bra with a modification to the elastic band on the bottom. Zipper went in a little wonky (grrrr). I think this would make a great top to wear when paddle boarding, kayaking, bicycling.
My entry for the April Bra Makers Challenge is a Wendy top. I used a dark taupe wickable spandex (I believe it’s called Max-Dri) and a shimmery fold over elastic I dyed a light blue. I wanted a touch of color so I used the fold over elastic under the arms and I used a decorative stitch in a matching blue around the front neckline. This was my first time working with bra cups and I was surprised at how easy there were to manipulate and sew. The top fits beautifully and is perfect for yoga.
Jacqueline Marchand
This is my April challenge. AEROBIC WEAR. I used the Maxine performance stretch fabric. The top I did not put any bra cup since I did not want them in. The bottoms I drafted the pattern. I love this outfit I am wearing it for my AEROBIC work out . I left the hem undone just because …
Jennifer Moriarty
This is as active as I get. It looks sporty but it’s more for relaxing in garden. It’s my self-draft with a Lucky Lingerie twist. The interior is totally BMS powernet, plush band elastic, strap elastic, hooks and eyes, and rings and sliders. The exterior is a wicking poly spandex from my stash. I made the Lucky Lingerie twist Bralette but it was shockingly small and I struggled with it for far too long. So, I drafted my version based on my Shelley back and a combination of bra and halter front. I could use some help with redrafting a proper straight strap, I know I’ve seen how to do it but can’t remember where.
Jennifer VW
Our very own Jessica, made this Alison sports bra using Scuba fabric and the black waistband elastic.
Kathleen Soltow
Black’n’Blue activewear. The yoga pants and top are made of super-comfy Supplex from Bra-maker’s Supply. My best of intentions matching Kerri sports bra is still on the cutting room floor. (That weird looking neckline? The dress form is the hanging kind so I couldn’t put the pullover top on. It is pinned!)
Michelle Noble
I made a pair of active wear pants. I used the bottoms from the Pin-up Girls Tankini pattern and my self-drafted boyshorts pattern. Looking at the Tankini pattern, I knew I’d have the same problem I have with most boyshorts patterns – it wouldn’t fit properly. So I laid my boyshort pattern over top and made it my shape and size, and then used the Tankini for the beginning of the leg shape. I also straightened the legs. They fit! They’re a cotton Lycra I had in my stash, so they’ll be nice a comfortable for working out.
Sonia Dubuc
I had a few hours left before the end of the April challenge so I decided to make a second entry. I drafted a boy short to fit with my sport bra. It’s made out of the same wickable fabric and I used the same 1 1/4” wide elastic. I just turned 1/2” for the hem and stitched it with a double needle.
What wonderful Hop to it Challenge Entries, ladies. Keep up the great work and we’ll see you again next month in the Shape Up Challenge (Hint – it’s NOT about activewear!)
I’m always so impressed by what everyone makes! I love reading about them all too. Thanks for sharing.